Tuesday, November 24, 2009

All I have to do is dream ...

Dream dream dream.

I need to grab a cup of tea, and advise you to do too. If you plan on reading any of my notes, they should be done with ease of mind as my writings, like my simple mind, need no complex adjectives or vocabulary to communicate such things. Mainly because I stick within the knowns of the mind - things we all know so well but have forgotten. That is knowledge - you know, but have not yet remembered.

I have, placed on my biggest wall, a large group of seven print. I can't recall who of them, but what he shared was a piece of his life which is a piece of me. It is the moody seascape of Northern Ontario - the wind from the stretch of shimmering lakes blowing over an independent white pine, battered on the shore its foe. I have maps of the world on other walls; William Waterhouse's beautiful women portraits, and organic matter collages to frame the others. Of the many I have, there is always more to add, from lust rich in colour landscapes of vibrant hues, to the hopes of hanging a yacht harboured on a calm evenings sun.

These are my painting - reproductions at that. I am an artist, and for that I've spent much my time inquiring as to the understanding of the 21st century of art, and my own philosophy to what true art should be; where it has failed and succeeded and why it is hard to describe its meaning, purpose or anything for that matter with art. More then most complex inquisitions to its becomings, it simply is what it is. Traditional fine art will always ring the note tuned well, for its the most dated and known true "photograph" per say without the technology other then a tuned eye. I see, and therefore it is.

I heard it said that if we were to travel to another planet and speak to an extraterrestrial race, and describe our world to them - they would most likely respond that we have described the world, but we have also described a part of us. Gaia is our "spaceship" if you will that we've inhabited. Its what we known from a tangible learned first person perspective, and we are one with it. Its like when we walk on the Earth, the Earth beneath our feet moves under us.

My walls share something another has shared with me - an emotive landscape conveyed. It is so real, for it is still there, in memory and also in mind, and now in reminder of physical form. I've toyed with the stupidity of producing art on a plat 2D base board, but the artist willingly bound himself to those constrains of the medium to overcome the obstacle necessary to bring it closer to mind and reality (an admirable feat!) When you stare into this void for a short time and let yourself go of the limitations as did the artist, you are free to be one with it - ask yourself the question answered. You know something about this place you can specifically relate to, which makes it yours - at least this piece of it in the frame.

I point this analogy out for the reason I wrote the whole blog and had you possibly sip tea for a short time. I have just told you a story of my life which you now share, although you know nothing about it. Unless you share it with me you cannot, but until I do, you cannot come with me. I have a dream - a vision - a painting in my head. It will only become manifest until I apply those effort necessary and attract other minds to join and share efforts to make such a thing. Whatever this thing is, is irrelevant for now because I am not ready to share it, but the anticipation is just as great in your mind for your own kind.

On every wall, nook, nook corner and cranny is a painting, a part or a reflection of YOURSELF. If you couldn't see this already, I hope now you remember. If it doesn't serve the image you want to see in yourself, throw it away. Its like dust in a potentially clean home. You own yourself so why not. The surroundings you exist in right now all reflect you, whether you like it or not in mind and in body. You surround yourself with things which serve the aspirations or current view of what you see in yourself. Purchasing a painting is like affirming a positive in your life. Expect to see things happen, for your will is part of the puzzle to moving mountains. It is stronger then any force the world has known.

What do you dream about? What do you see with your imagination? Where does your mind venture when it is left to wander? Where it is now? Its hard to capture such a thing in a moment like this, but look at those patterns over time. Bring notice to your thoughts, your dreams, epiphanies - everything which has your attention. Are not all these things real? If your description of real is the senses, indeed our world is very shallow, but when we look deep into these "blueprints" of the mind, are these things not as real as the world around us? There is not much to prove how tangible this world is around us just because this sensual body is claimed to be real. They are all interpretations of sense organs - which is a faculty of perception just as everything else you can conceive is. So what is the difference? The time factor, and time is a function of the mind as well we know.

We are just wisps floating along this journey together, and manifestation is our adjourned task. We've forgotten how it even happens. I wish we could all know this - that we are all already actively manifesting these things we place attention to whether or not we know. There are all due forces known and unknown at our fingertips that if were applied properly, need no tool other then the mind to rapidly accelerate their journey into the known world we taste touch and see.

We are all jacks of our own trade, and I hope my analogy of the visual world made this a little clearer how everything is very very real. I'm suggesting it would help if we treated all things in mind and body alike to prove their impact on our lives instead of denying their presence. Thoughts are the only real thing we have. Consciousness is something destiny cannot take.

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

-Helen Hadley

"I need you so that I could die
I love you so and that is why
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream"

-The Everly Brothers