Sunday, September 27, 2009


Of all my moments, only this can be of my greatest. To have bent my knee and bowed my head beyond the rise of my broken back, prostrate in prayer and supplication to something so great that the eye cannot see its light. Its name is too many to number. Its deeds so great that it would create life with a single word. Yet still, I approach the feet of something such as this submissively suppling a willful sacrifice, the sacrifice it gave me of its own - life. Only then does life seem alive. It were not worth living if it were alone - that is why this is my best moment - to be broken and dead so he can breath live back into this flesh and bones for one for day, that he make use for them again.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The idea is that Manifestation is an alchemy - has to be balanced in perfect flux of all areas necessary to be given from before being asked. All things require sacrifice. But if we "visualize" something to death without being naturally willing to make the changes - it is no more then a burden of information, and thus a burden of the flesh.

If you want something - be willing to give everything needed for it, whatever that might be. I find needs to be approached desirelessly, otherwise the pressure will create something monstrous from the negative energy pushed onto the topic in need of acquiring it. It has to be in perfect flux - a dance so perfect you hadn't known you were in a trance all along.

Attention, but not pretension.
Thought of the day:


Everything is perfectly on time. Certainly it is since time is only of the minds creative purposes. We are all joined by one mind which leaves no room for delay. We are living around a clock which seemingly gives up the perception that we are moving - but like the speedometer magnet on a bikes forks - we are not moving at all - but watching for those key indications of how fast we are actually moving so we can track movement through inherent judgments. Can't wait until the day when we wake up an realize no time had passed at all and we were all right back where we started - zero.


Thought of the day :

The mind is something we all inherently possess as gifts of the divine, and it connects us all on a subtle way into the deepest levels of spirit. The true reality is we all are of one mind. We all have minds - but they are all of the same mind much like a branch is of the same body of the tree or the leaves of its branches. The identity of each "leaf" is fixed on its own for it hasn't the eyes to see its roots - it can feel it.. but it cannot perceive it clearly with the sensing faculties it is "limited" to. Certainly it is not limited, but rather taught of these things measurable in its lowest measure of identity - common to separations of its like, but not others. It knows itself best as a leaf and not a branch so how does it know its source? This explains why we die as we are day by day growing further and further from the source - of early generations, some ascended before death or lived 950 years. We are dying off earlier as we become further and further from recognizing our inner light given by the creator. In this allegory of the leaf - exchange it for our human selves - divine and intelligent beings - as we percieve. We've studied our nature much longer then a leaf, neither do we understance how anything is conscious of itself. We cannot know how superior we are to them - we just assume so because we can eat herbs. Rather, I see it should be looked at as weak to think we need to eat "lesser" things. Anyway - because we are simply divisions of a much greater mind we all share, we are simply using these fleshly bodies as one would control an animals. This is not us. just because we inherited them from birth, we bound our souls to it. For that we cannot leave until it is unusable. We aren't human at all - we are mind. I hope this perspective can help break the limitations we place on ourselves. Whatever alchemy we place before us, mind will conform to its wish as a law is never bent or broken.