Monday, October 26, 2009


I just found this really funny; the synchronicity of my current feelings in direct alignment with the stars. Its a short horoscope which was emailed by a respected site. It relates perfectly to what I was writing last night - the note below this. You can take a look at your own reading from the site.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
At the best of time you have itchy feet. Wanting to get things done. Longing to travel and expand your horizons and thoughts. At the moment Mars is in Leo transiting through your 9th house which may bring all of these ideas out in you. Be careful how speedily you hurry into an idea though as you need to think it through carefully. There's some lovely times coming up with friends and maybe a special someone from your past. Accept any social invitations that come your way this week as they may be more fateful than you think.