Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Sungazing Practicum!

Yesterday started for the first time my commitment to a sungazing practice. Along with that I will read a few pages of the course in miracles as use the time for prayer and meditation about what I learned. I may use a portion of the hour for remote viewing too. It will be a full hours use towards further recognition of my true spiritual self. Sounds selfish, but I have to know myself inside out before I can expect to help others see themselves and others alike so we can work together on this planet.

The hardest part about any spiritual practice or any practice itself is commitment. Shouldn't be hard, but for me and my little world - its not easy sometimes to believe all that they say, and let alone to believe in myself. Its so much easier to take it a grain a day and miss a grain every second and third day. If we really wanted to change our lives - persistence, clarity, attention, integrity and passion are vital ingredients to help you achieve that goal. I've tampered at so many things so briefly - read the first 5 pages of hundreds of books, but unless you commit yourself to the pages, to the study, you should be willing to read the book over and over again so that as your mind changes, you see things differently every time you read it. Sungazing is just one those practices I've looked over and studied briefly, and now I've made the decision to give a full practice so I can receive all the benefits I can from its ancient roots.