Tuesday, July 7, 2009

From the Inside Out

Hand in hand, cold and damp.  The wind wisps past our entwined forms in the night. Dark and lonely with only the stars above us to give us light.  Our affinity and affection needs no romance to cure its acute presence - everything feels so real now.  Even when the stars avail from the black sails of an approaching storm, I can see you clearly.  Your face is always in my mind; your touch is more healing then the elements stirring around us.  The damp mist of heavy waves hurling at the hard earth - the hurricane winds battering at my cloak, protecting us - the earth and sea shaking from a rapturous clap - the distant lights of a blue storm lit like the war had finally begun; but nothing can break this bond of peace.  There is nothing left to sing to - for the song is now inside.