Monday, March 29, 2010


What happens when there is no paper to write on? What happens when we have nothing to project onto? No expressive medium to exonerate, exhaust or exalt from our minds? --- Nothing at all. Is that what we fear? The conclusion that there is no practical method to push causality onto? The fear of nothing at all? Emptiness?

The one who has understood silence is that there cannot be such a thing. Silence like all things has an essence, which cannot be spoken. To the Buddhas, they would say that silence is a rich silence, because it silences our voice and slowly opens the channels of our minds. Channels whose duty is in counsel, not judgement; eternal in vow to intercede for the benefit of us, bound by love. But most of all, we wait upon the holy spirit to undo all errors which we could not correct, and help us see the truth of the all as it reminds us.

The antithesis to all our thesis'. The opposite to all our creations - they all must come down to reveal the creation within the creation. The creator within the creation.