Saturday, February 27, 2010

Are we using our peripherals?

The idea of impressionism, like all art, is a technique of expression. What makes impressionism different is the "impression" and a little "ism" at the end. When you look closely into an IMPRESSIONistic painting, you realize there is nothing more then large gobs of thick matted paint on a crude canvas. Often dull colours are used, and its often messy with too many colours. Often the colours seem unrealistic and saturated, comparatively to others which are often analogous or adjacent on the colour wheel.

Now on the opposite end, when one sees an impressionistic painting as a PAINTing, they realize it is just paint and stop concentrating on the paint, and see the whole picture. Then all the sudden, the blend of seemingly impossible colours blend to such a strange hue, and more then that; there are patterns slowly emerging, as if from nowhere but somewhere banked perhaps in long lost memories -- and then it all makes sense. It was a place, and picture; a meaning. It could not the looked at objectively. It has to be read subjectively.

Do we look at life this same way? Do we only see the present? The current projection? The current perception? The little dots and squiggles on the page? The sloppy paint strokes? Or do we see outside of the little narrow path we commonly see through? Do we see the words on the page? Do we see its message? Do we see the painting? Do we use our peripherals?

Edit: I wrote this not from a singular perspective on art. Its about everything we approach in life. How we perceive it is how we project it. If we are great, we can achieve. If we look at ourselves small, this world will recycle us for jube jubes for the next creature who thinks we look tasty. I am a visual person.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I've been pondering the insufficiencies of our malnourished minds and came across this thought, fresh and new.

Lately I've been floating the net and becoming aware of a need this new world quenched, before it consumes us. It is all over us -- the need for something we lack. The question I want to pose is whether we are creating something which is causing this lack.

I've discovered recently that we are built to obstruct and overcome the obstacles that we created to get over the damn mess that we created. Sounds weird, but having created one thing, we need then to be accountable for the responsibilities it has; to be a father to our creations. Not so often that happens, so we break them down in a conquering fashion to prove ourselves equal in strength to friend, foe and vacuum cleaner (sorry - had to add the spice).

I suppose i added the vacuum cleaner note for a subconscious reason. The vacuum cleaner i'd like to draw as a comparison to our need to suck up all the useless stuff (which is actually what it does!). We have a lot of junk lying around the house of our minds; the junk which has lost their resemblance and meaning to our lives. I find a lot the stuff we throw out relevant, but useless now because we are shifting too fast into this needy "artsy" and "practical" century which has been steadily increasing since who knows when. Its not that the stuff isn't good and useful, just no one cares to fix it, and theres more room at the dump that nobody sees. Eventually even the vacuum cleaner goes there.

Of the wiser though, I am noticing some characters speaking up to say that we need a new something. A new heaven, a new hero, a new psychedelic, a new social system, a new war -- i dunno what they are saying now, but there needs to be something big, and it needs to come soon before we suffer further our own kind.

This is what i fear it all stems from. There is so much out there; so much to know, experience and believe in. As much our experience is much lived from our central one-person shooter viewpoint, its hard to trust anyone these days without having "put your hands through the holes in Jesus' hands" to believe it. So having been told so much, we, out of necessity have to be very skeptical of the world we perceive out there. Is it really real? And the picture we see is so much apart from us, it is almost folklore and lottery tales to believe it be true. Now we go searching all of our lives so desperately for the truth and find ourselves exhausted and burnt out from our fantasies about the lucky rainbow and whatnot that its almost more convenient to just sit down and enjoy a spot of green grass. Having nothing to believe in then, we resort to grazing grass just like the other animals because we don't know better then what privilege it is to be human. Might as well just make it up from logic, right?

I don't think we are capable as humans to find our way out of this spell we've got ourselves into. Its true, that we do need something to believe in, but there is just too much to recycle anywhere we go -- even if we can chew through this apple-core earth, or our silly stereotypes we see of each other, or ourselves -- its just going to kill ourselves anyway your look at it. We need a hero, and there has been many, but we throw them out as heretics every time.

The need to preserve the teachings of these old teachers is important so that we remain fixed and focused for as long a peace it can afford. I am not saying that peace is of its own token and we need only achieve it for peace sake for pete's sake whoever pete is, (pete's moss!) but that its for the long careful appreciation of something we can sit with and learn to love and accept. It also gives our lives some consistency and stability, home and belonging. I would compare our beliefs and belongings to that of a real person, for they have character, body and potential just the same as you, if you give them the chance to live with you and be a part of you. I think we have a junk club symptom right now rummaging through things when they are no more of value then the value we see in them.

I'm really trying to wrap up this thought, but there is so much potential in just it -- an if you are reading this, im also sorry if this brought you through some sort of deluge, but here is the resurrection: Having no beliefs is easy. It lets you live your life as you see fit. But it will not let you live long since there are too many herbs in the forest yet to try. You can ingest them all. There is something called a snake berry. ---- Having beliefs though is much harder, for you have to stand by them to the point of death other then they are not as so much real as you are. Its like if someone believes in you. Its almost the equivalent or saying "i love you". But even at death though - you must even let those things go though, for not everything can be taken with you. Thats a whole 'nother note.

Hold firm to the thing you know true. Search your heart day by day, having it tested by the truest of friends to see how strong the fire can grow, but having these things planted firm in the ground as you are with the closest friends -- for if you lack one thing, you lack everything.

To sum up - the world is looking for something - we look outside for it - but its not outside - the world is changing too fast - everything seems insufficient - need for consistency - need for structure - what is real - what needs be preserved - beliefs or no beliefs - what will keep you alive - what will keep one whole.

If nothing else works, listen to the song in my playlist called "I need something".

Sunday, February 14, 2010

How to love again

I thought i might write this note since the inspiration is coming so desperately, but thus far been unable to express it. Since this is valentines day, it might be the better of times to have written.

Someone yesterday asked me if i was dating someone. If you are reading my blog right now, you have a long history with me, and have known my long history of little and long loves which crumbled like old cookies - the kind of ones you get in PC or no name packages. I guess the butter somehow evaporated. I'll refrain from cheesy (or buttery) comparatives.

I watched a film weeks ago with a friend named "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind". Their synopsis was something like this : people have a hard time seeing into each other, so eventually we just stop trying. We've had enough of their traumas, burdens and accusations - then fervently swear to give it all up, including the whole experience and memories. Yet of the same token, the same love which first burned so insatiably during the "pregnancy" relationship stage is so strong we write songs and stories about going to great depths and heights to save the other person from harm.

I am just mulling over the fact love can turn so sour. Like a brew unkept, it kills like poison to drink. How is it possible since love is such a pure thing?

Here is my answer to the whole thing is short. Second Corinthians 13 something : Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." From this definition, which is one of the purest i can find, defines qualities which resonate with love. Love is something you know - cannot be told you are, you just know.

Love is diluted through the stages of relationships by the dramas we perform between the ego/spirit confusion. Ex: if someone calls you fat. Any accusation, emotionally or spiritually related, if taken offense to, is not the appropriate reaction since it should be taken with reflection rather then reaction. One offense leads to another, and nobody after a while knows how the war began or what they created. Its just what it is - breeding hate.

I've struggled lately with the idea of leaving someone who would go to tall lengths to commit you to a crime you did not commit, but perhaps they did. So the burden is laid upon your shoulders until it is borne away. Even so, having loved them despite the dust flung in your eyes, and the mess left behind. Even following them to the lengths you would before, even though you know it could very well kill you. The slap on the second cheek thing, but how many times do we do this? Twice is enough sometimes. Forgiving them 77 times 7 times?? Eternally, because its nothing to do with the identity in first place. Love is always there. It can be surpressed, ignored and put away but never lost because its a quality of the spirit, and the spirit is forever pure. Its the reflection of itself which we see. Love is just that.

Btw -- the answer to whether i was dating someone was a serious no with a laugh added to the words "thats the last thing i need right now."

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Love again

Love is in strings that tie to you
tuned and strung in perfect accord
once was played and long forgot
how was sang and how was taught

Second revision of my poetic description of love

Sunday, February 7, 2010


There is reason for all things
Stop asking and look to the source
Take responsibility
Act accordingly
Since once in a lifetime
You can be the cause

Inspiration from a piece of sharpie graffiti on a painted concrete wall


Love is in the strings that tie to you
playing in such harmony
a song long forgot
how to play
and who played it for you

It opens you up to every emotion possible all at once
and your not sure whether you will implode or explode
and suddenly everything is certain
yet your uncertain of the outcome
so you cry
you smile
You feel sunshine on both sides
inside and outside
above and below
and all the possibilities are so real
you feel alive
free to choose
free to live

This is my 4 year old interpretation of love - written at 23.


I will not forget you
I cannot forget you
I will not forget you
you cannot forget me
cover me up
or barry me alive
This is a burden or blessing
we both must bear
The forgetful mind is not spotless
its a part of you
every movement or mannerism
is character
matched and moulded
by the self
the self you observed
through qualities admired
You once admired them
but now not so sure
but you can hate them
or love them
but it matters not
for they are part of your spotless mind
eternal in bliss
or eternal blue
put back on those pink coloured glasses
and I can be with you
one more time

A quote for "Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind"
A film I just watched, and forever will not forget :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

The State of Clarity

I had this note come to mind last night when i was to tired to sleep. I was wide awake -- nearly 3 in the morning with an idea I could not shake. In this state of enveloping ambition and passion for this idea which captured all my interest to the point where i was not willing to have my mind drop the idea, but kept on developing it while is was still fresh. Then i thought it strange and funny to have this sensation to not sleep -- and how often i've heard other speak of "not being able to fall asleep". I've lived so long now, intoxicated with the dull numbing cheap thrills and sensations of the city, where streetlight replaces stars and cloud pollutes the moon to gleam on our faded fake grass. I've forgotten the clarity of mind that is given when one places all - his love, strength and soul into his task at hand.

I am now also reading an old ancient book which speaks long about a basically elaborated story of the prodigal son -- but said in such great detail gives it more character to believe and sympathize with the boys character. We are all one of those prodigal sons, but which one? Where are we now that we cannot live to our fullest potential, as burning vessels for the creator, like stars so bright that it even sheds its light on other planets, moons and other masses of unlit creations. Why has it been so hard to shine?

My thought is this. The state of being able to think clearly is a matter to be avoided, namely because it puts you at a state of awareness where you see all that there is. You cannot close your eyes and ignore it. It demands responsibility for its presence, or else what you have observed will be no more then a glitch in your system of fading complexity. We have to make sense of it, and so it is better to stay blind; ignorant to the pressing matters at hand. But the state of being aware has its perfect balance where you have an obligation to know more, but knowing that more is in the balanced hands of the creator then could ever be handled by one vessel. So we take awareness in rations -- consuming each individual bite slowly like Frodo and Sam on their trip to Mordor which we know is the end, but having the will at hand to give it all up for the good of all.

I don't know why I write these thoughts when I'm so tired - but they make so much better reading material since they have no structure to a point to be made, but rather a story with a hint of truth in it.

Have a good night..