I had a strange dream last night which has really disturbed me this morning. I dreampt I was in my old public school (as scary as that was) but was quite comfortable in my skin to be there. To make it short - I was in grade 12 but was skipping classes that day (as most days) to visit what it was like to be in grade 4 again. The teacher refused me to sit in, so I left. I was not meant to be there and didn't want to be there all day. The rest of my time was spent wandering the halls.
I fear if this were true in any way. My merit for studies have dropped to a low. I always have these dreams of missing classes in highschool and not knowing where to go. Not knowing which class i am supposed to be in. Just wandering empty halls after everyone else has started. Its the most irratating and common dream i have.
I remember another important dream right now so I must write it before i forget.