Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Tea at the Trailer

Yes, I officially live in a van down by the river.  But what do you care?  Because I have tea in it, and there is plenty to share.

So I love my baby-boo (yes I do), so I thought it was about time I get down to the area to be all close and snuggly with her in the boom-town of Cambridge.  In fact, I hate the city (city life in general) so I found a comfortable in between.  Twelve minutes from the edge of town, I reside in a trailer I purchased which is quite livable in for the unfrozen months.  Yet to test that.  But it is equipped with all those things that keep you hot and cool, including tea.  :)

Set and setting make a big difference to any situation, including tea.  I'd like to think of tea as being slightly ceremonial, and slightly sacred.  We do what we can to make it so, butI wanted to remind you that I do like in a van down by the river, so I can prove to you that you can still enjoy a little romance in the small things in life.  The other day, me and the lady broke open a fresh award winning tea, turned on a good internet radio station that suit the desired vibe, and lit the trailer with a few LED candles (from the dollar store).  It hit the spot, and all that stressy-bessy stuff soaked away, esp since it was enjoyed with my lady-loo.  

This goes to show that you too can put aside a little time at the end of your day.  With a little prepped set and setting, stress melts away to a warm cup of tea.   Even if it's just you - it's your you time.  
