Been reading a lot of material lately related to alternate states of consciousness, and other dimensions on consciousness which we exist in and can be elevated to experiencing on a perhaps lucid or full out awakening to another dimension.
I'd like to quote a segment from a book. Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse is where is it taken, and is now on my desktop background.
Slower, he walked along in his thoughts and asked himself: “But what is this, what you have sought to learn from teachings and from teachers, and what they, who have taught you much, were still unable to teach you?” And he found: “It was the self, the purpose and essence of which I sought to learn. It was the self, I wanted to free myself from, which I sought to overcome. But I was not able to overcome it, could only deceive it, could only flee from it, only hide from it. Truly, no thing in this world has kept my thoughts thus busy, as this my very own self, this mystery of me being alive, of me being one and being separated and isolated from all others, of me being Siddhartha! And there is no thing in this world I know less about than about me, about Siddhartha!”
I hope it speaks to you as it did me. I don't even know if i want to write more, since this rather sums up quite neatly the depth of our human experience. Fabricated.
One could say that its hard acting like your human. The natural self of all us is truly spirit. Our minds are the gap between the two end -- body and spirit. The reason why the silence buddhist is such a "rich silence" is because there in the silence of "non-doing" is the undoing of the ego. We slip away into the emptiness of the body, and truly do find the rich space which we finally are able to hear the voice of God, in this rich silence of pure being -- pure being -- "pure having". A buddhist master once said " It is often said, 'Don't just sit there; do something!' We like to say 'Don't just do something; sit there!'" -- I love it.
To leave the rest to you, the last slice; "Your mission is very simple. You are asked to live so as to demonstrate that you are now and he, and I do not chose God's channels wrongly."
Lets wake up to the call. New World, new body, new change.